Installing Flash Plugin In Google Chrome From Installed Firefox Flash Plugin

I used different browsers for my web development practice. Every browser has Flash plugin installed. But when It comes to Google Chrome, It doesn’t work. Though Google Chrome provides a download link. But It fails always. As I had other browsers with flash plugin enabled, I didn’t want to install it again for Google Chrome.  My target was to use those plugin files from Firefox for Google Chrome. I got this hint from this post.


You have Firefox installed with flash plugin working and Google chrome installed but flash plugin is not working there.

Now just follow the procedure to install it in your Google Chrome.

  1. Go to Firefox installation directory.  It’ll be something like “C:\Program files\Mozilla Firefox 3.0\”
  2. Go to Plugins directory there.
  3. Copy 2 files. flashplayer.xpt and NPSWF32.dll
  4. Go to Google Chrome installation directory.  The location is quite unusual. “%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application”. If this path doesnt work in XP lets me know. It worked in VISTA.
  5. open Plugins directory.
  6. Paste those files.
  7. Restart Gooogle Chrome if you are using it.

Thats it.  Installed.

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