HOWTO: Convert 6 digit css color code to 3 digit

Okay, So you want to convert 6 digit css color codes to 3 digit. They are almost same. But 3 digit helps to remember it.  Before jumping into code let me explain what does 3 digit represents. A css color #abc means #aabbcc. No its NOT  #a0b0c0. It may appear that  the second one is more appropriate. But the fact is Its not. You can test it.   See the following table.

#aabbcc #abc #a0b0c0

So to convert any 6 digit css color to a 3 digit color needs some calculation. Thats why I have written a php function.

See the code bellow

function convert_color($color){
 preg_match("|#([\da-h]{2})([\da-h]{2})([\da-h]{2})|", $color, $match);
 foreach($match as $m)
  array_push($n, reduce_digit($m));
 return "#". implode("", $n);

function reduce_digit($hex){
 $n = hexdec($hex);
 $r = $n%17 ;
 $d = intval($n/17)+ (($r<8)?0:1);
 return dechex($d);

Just call the convert_color function with 6 digit css color. For example. “#bcd465”. Here # is necessary. This will return the 3 digit css color.

If you want to test it, run the following code.

$params= array(

foreach($params as $param){
    $f = convert_color($param[0]);
    $e = $param[1];
    echo "Passed={$param[0]}, Expected=", $e, ", Actual=";
    echo $f, ", Status=", (($e==$f)?"SUCCESS":"FAILED"), PHP_EOL;

I have run it it the result is good.

Passed=#aabbcc, Expected=#abc, Actual=#abc, Status=SUCCESS
Passed=#112233, Expected=#123, Actual=#123, Status=SUCCESS
Passed=#456789, Expected=#468, Actual=#468, Status=SUCCESS
Passed=#1234fa, Expected=#13f, Actual=#13f, Status=SUCCESS
Passed=#000000, Expected=#000, Actual=#000, Status=SUCCESS