HOWTO: Convert 6 digit css color code to 3 digit

Okay, So you want to convert 6 digit css color codes to 3 digit. They are almost same. But 3 digit helps to remember it.  Before jumping into code let me explain what does 3 digit represents. A css color #abc means #aabbcc. No its NOT  #a0b0c0. It may appear that  the second one is more appropriate. But the fact is Its not. You can test it.   See the following table.

#aabbcc #abc #a0b0c0

So to convert any 6 digit css color to a 3 digit color needs some calculation. Thats why I have written a php function.

See the code bellow

function convert_color($color){
 preg_match("|#([\da-h]{2})([\da-h]{2})([\da-h]{2})|", $color, $match);
 foreach($match as $m)
  array_push($n, reduce_digit($m));
 return "#". implode("", $n);

function reduce_digit($hex){
 $n = hexdec($hex);
 $r = $n%17 ;
 $d = intval($n/17)+ (($r<8)?0:1);
 return dechex($d);

Just call the convert_color function with 6 digit css color. For example. “#bcd465”. Here # is necessary. This will return the 3 digit css color.

If you want to test it, run the following code.

$params= array(

foreach($params as $param){
    $f = convert_color($param[0]);
    $e = $param[1];
    echo "Passed={$param[0]}, Expected=", $e, ", Actual=";
    echo $f, ", Status=", (($e==$f)?"SUCCESS":"FAILED"), PHP_EOL;

I have run it it the result is good.

Passed=#aabbcc, Expected=#abc, Actual=#abc, Status=SUCCESS
Passed=#112233, Expected=#123, Actual=#123, Status=SUCCESS
Passed=#456789, Expected=#468, Actual=#468, Status=SUCCESS
Passed=#1234fa, Expected=#13f, Actual=#13f, Status=SUCCESS
Passed=#000000, Expected=#000, Actual=#000, Status=SUCCESS

Installing Flash Plugin In Google Chrome From Installed Firefox Flash Plugin

I used different browsers for my web development practice. Every browser has Flash plugin installed. But when It comes to Google Chrome, It doesn’t work. Though Google Chrome provides a download link. But It fails always. As I had other browsers with flash plugin enabled, I didn’t want to install it again for Google Chrome.  My target was to use those plugin files from Firefox for Google Chrome. I got this hint from this post.


You have Firefox installed with flash plugin working and Google chrome installed but flash plugin is not working there.

Now just follow the procedure to install it in your Google Chrome.

  1. Go to Firefox installation directory.  It’ll be something like “C:\Program files\Mozilla Firefox 3.0\”
  2. Go to Plugins directory there.
  3. Copy 2 files. flashplayer.xpt and NPSWF32.dll
  4. Go to Google Chrome installation directory.  The location is quite unusual. “%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application”. If this path doesnt work in XP lets me know. It worked in VISTA.
  5. open Plugins directory.
  6. Paste those files.
  7. Restart Gooogle Chrome if you are using it.

Thats it.  Installed.

Decoding Encoded PHP Codes Part I

Okay its the first part of the script. The second part was published earlier. That time I kept place for this post. And here it is.Its another script that I got from a Guy. This time he was trying to crack the script. 🙂  He didnt want to buy another so need to crack it.Well I am not a cracker, that guy sent me the script over messenger and told me “what type of script it is??”. I saw it and felt why not decode it.

The script was encoded many times iteratively. So I had to decode it that way to get the final output. I wrote a console php application to decode it. I’ll give you the script at the end of this post.

The script I got was something like following. I shortened it so that it fits my post.


As you can see its base64 encoding and gz compression which took place to obfuscate. I just echo the $x; and found this.

?><? eval(gzinflate(base64_decode('DZbHDsTWDUV/JTvbmIV6Q+IY0lPvvW0CSaPeRxq
='))); ?><?

Note there are something special about this code.

  1. php ending (?>) and starting (<?) tag is attached to the end and start.
  2. there is an eval() call.

Beside these the whole script is same!! The “?><?” part is harmless. I dont have to worry about it. My target is to replace the eval() call by a variable. something like usingi “$y=(gzinflate(base…” instead of “eval(gzinflate(base…”. See! Its a little change. I did it with the following code.

$x[0]=" "; // was '?'
$x[1]="\$"; // was '>'
$x[2]="y"; // was '<'
$x[3]="="; // was '?'
$x[4]=" "; // was ' '
$x[5]=" "; // was 'e'
$x[6]=" "; // was 'v'
$x[7]=" "; // was 'a'
$x[8]=" "; // was 'l'

What I am doing here is just replaceing the “?><? eval” with ” $y= “. After that the whole string ($x) will be like. I am accesing the string by index because its faster and I still dont konw how many iteration I need.

$y=   (gzinflate(base64_decode('DZbHDsTWDUV/JTvbmIV6Q+IY0lPvvW0CSaPeRxq1r8/
E3GHguUHN9Xf5mxQUH61z+8Z+z8='))); ?><?

Now If I eval this code which is inside $x variable, I’ll get the new value. Lets see what it is. Just execute eval($x). I got this.

?><? eval(gzinflate(base64_decode('DZa1DsQIEkR/ZbPdlQMz
AgAIAha51nezgidtHNmcERfsXo/w=='))); ?><?

Hey, Its the same thing again. Ha ha. So lets make a loop and do it iteratively. see the following code.

while(strpos($x,"eval")!== false){
$len = strlen($x); // Current length of the code
echo "[".($i+1).":$len]".PHP_EOL.$x.PHP_EOL;
// Echoing the code.
$x[0]=" ";
$x[4]=" ";
$x[5]=" ";
$x[6]=" ";
$x[7]=" ";
$x[8]=" ";
// Puting the code in $y by this call.
$x = $y; // Substituting the previous code by the new one.

The idea is I’ll loop through the code as long as I find there is an eval() call. If there is an eval() call I’ll just remove the eval and put the code to some other variable. So it wont get eval()<code/>ed but will be saved. Its done by eval($x) Then for iteration I am substituting my previous code (cause I dont need it anymore).

If you execute the code you’ll see the length of the code is reducing in each iteration. Also you’ll get lots of output. When the loop breaks, you know that there is no eval() call. That means there is no dynamic code execution. But there might be base64_decode or gzinflate()</code>. Why not check it? The last code was saved in $x. So lets echo $x.

In my case the output was the actual code that was written. Here is a sample code from there.

echo "<html>\n";
echo "<head>\n";
echo "<title>Ilegal Script</title>\n";
echo "</head>\n";
echo "<body>\n";
echo "<h1 align=\"center\"><font face=\"Verdana\" color=\"#FF0000\">Ilegal Script</font></h1>\n";
echo "<p align=\"center\"><font face=\"Verdana\"><b>Sorry! The license for this script is not avaliable for this domain ( $domain_name

So. At last its decoded.

Well things can be different. There is no gurranty that you’ll get the actual code in this stage. There can be further decoding.

Here is my final code that did the trick.

while(strpos($x,"eval")!== false):
$len = strlen($x);
echo "[".($i+1).":$len]".PHP_EOL.$x.PHP_EOL;
$x[0]=" ";
$x[4]=" ";
$x[5]=" ";
$x[6]=" ";
$x[7]=" ";
$x[8]=" ";
$x = $y;
echo ($i+1).":".PHP_EOL.$x.PHP_EOL;

Happy De-obfuscation.:)